There is a wide range of supplements available for our pets. We have selected the supplements below to offer our clients with joint injuries and arthritis.
Antinol is a green lipped muscle extract produced right here in New Zealand! It has been used in the overseas markets for dogs and is now available here in New Zealand. We expect to see improvement within 14-28 days of treatment starting.
Antinol® has no known side effects nor does it interact unfavorably with any drugs. It can be prescribed daily as a preventative, in conjunction with NSAIDs and/or as a maintenance dosage to support and promote optimal health. Antinol is only available from Veterinarians. Please do not give this supplement to your dog if you know of any fish/seafood allergies/sensitivities.
The Beale Clinic Observational Clinical Trial has been underway in Australia since late 2017. It is a multinational study observing the effects of Antinol® using a questionnaire format from owners. Most owners comment that their dog:
● Seems more lively and is more energetic
● Looks forward to walks once more
● Climbs stairs with greater ease
● Resumes playing with their toys
● Returns to jumping into the car
● And most importantly - Enjoys their life with you again!
For more information, take a peek at the Australian Antinol site:
Antinol capsules are all 50 mg size. They come in boxes 60 capsules.
Prices: 60 capsules/box $59.90 + postage.